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To Juice or Not To Juice. That is THE Question!

It’s been a topic raised by many of my family, friends and clients…will juicing really give me the benefits that everyone says it will? Here’s my take on this touchy subject so that you can have a bit more clarity and make a decision for yourself!

When I first discovered juicing I was in love. I never thought broccoli juice would be even remotely palatable until I combined it with carrots, fresh ginger and some tart apples. BUT there was a catch…

For many of you struggling with weight loss and or blood sugar issues, you will experience symptoms like I did at first: lethargy, blood sugar spikes, increase in weight/water retention and various other not-fun bodily functions. The reason for all of this is mainly due to the build up of toxins in your system, the way we have treated our bodies over time and the foods we consume while adding fresh juices into our daily routine.

To begin, when we gain weight there are many factors and reasons. Poor food choices, emotional trauma, environment etc. can all play a part in how our bodies store excess calories. When we begin consuming fresh juices these toxins are released back into the system and can play a number on our entire body from nerves to thoughts to waste removal.

The detoxification process can be a miserable one if not taken seriously. What’s more, if you do not change your diet along with the juicing you will be consuming way more carbs than necessary and find that you crave more sugar and carbs in the process leading to blood sugar spikes, weight gain and lethargic feelings throughout the day.

From my personal expereience, it is best to make fresh juices with more veggies than fruits in order to keep the sugars to a minimum and get the most from the nutritional content. Veggies of all colors can be extremely beneficial in the detoxification process of shrinking fat cells, eliminating excess waste and water retention from the body. Fruits have these benefits as well but when working to lose weight one must take into account the amount of sugar consumption more than the juicing itself. It’s better for those in need of losing some serious weight to not juice at all if it would only be fruit based, in my opinion.

To aid in the removal of waste and toxins from the system as juicing is introduced into the diet one must consider using komucha and or other probiotic containing products such as greek yogurt and Shakeology. (for more info on Shakeology see my favorite links at The liver can only handle so much at one time and if your body is really gunked up, you will need all the help you can get…

Many people ask me if buying juice from the store is just as good to which I say…OH heck no!! Juice pre-made has been flash-pasterurized meaning the enzymes that actually do the work in your body to detox have been killed off. In addition, many of the vitamins are not only heat resistant but begin to “oxidize” once exposed to air. This means you will not be getting what the label says you are getting! Basically you are consuming some really awesome-tasting sugary drink. O_o

In conslusion, making the choice to juice is a very personal one but must not be done without fully understanding one’s purpose in doing so. When you have clarity in your reasons why you want to juice, commit to it as a tool in conjunction with a clean eating program for best results. With a bit of trial and error you will find what works best for your body 🙂

About GoddessIntelligence

Living each day with abundant love, I find myself immersed in my life purpose as a Intuitive Life Strategist using clairvoyance, mediumship and energy cleansing to help clients facilitate the path of their own soul purpose. If you had access to the infinite wisdom of source energy, what would you ask?

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